The subway art in the middle I made from canvas, contact paper and my mother-in-law's cricut (before I got my silhouette), the rest of the images are downloads from Graphics Fairy and blogs that were nice enough to share cool printables. The banner came from Target. The 4x6 frames were from Dollar Tree (four in a pack) that I spray painted black. The 8.5x11 certificate frames were clearance items from Target, and the white octagonal frames I picked up at a yard sale for $0.25 for the pair. They were brass-colored and had picture of swans inside. My husband looked at me like I was crazy when I told him I was getting them. He quickly changed his tune when he saw what a little spray paint could do!
Little did I know this would become my holiday wall. As the seasons and holidays changed, so did the images in my frames: Christmas, New Years, Valentine's Day, Easter, Memorial Day, Summer/July 4th, back to school/Labor Day, etc. Unfortunately, this is the only one I remembered to take a picture of. My bunco ladies/neighbors love this wall and sometimes stop by to see what I have done with it.
I am looking forward to bringing it back to the original Halloween items, but with a few changes. I also plan to take pictures going forward with each change.